The Rise of Virtue Signaling













Q and A

Exposing Lies


The Rise of Virtue Signaling

By Larry R. Lasiter

© 2019

 Virtue Signaling Defined: "Virtue signaling is a pejorative term that refers to the conspicuous expression of moral values. Academically, the phrase relates to signaling theory to describe a subset of social behaviors that could be used to signal virtue -especially piety among a specific group. It is the popular modern habit of indicating that one has virtue merely by expressing disgust or favor for certain political ideas or cultural happenings. It’s the action or practice of publicly expressing opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one's good character or the moral correctness of one's position on a particular issue. It's noticeable how often virtue signaling consists of saying you hate things." (Cambridge English Dictionary / Wikipedia)

Most of us who observe the biblical food laws have a desire to eat healthy foods and are regular shoppers at natural food stores. If you have ever shopped Whole Foods you may have noticed huge posters advertising Whole Foods as being virtuous, - "We are part of a growing consciousness that is bigger than food - one that champions what’s good." This is a particularly blatant example of the increasingly common phenomenon of what might be called "virtue signaling" - indicating that you are kind, decent and virtuous. Of course what is not mentioned is exactly what that means. Obviously, by admission it is meant to extend far beyond the healthy foods Whole Foods offers. It conveys the thought that the store franchise is in the "good food" business because they, themselves are "good" -morally superior.

The CEO of Whole Foods considers himself a Libertarian, so I, and probably most of you who are reading this would agree with his definition of what constitutes "good" politically. We would agree politically because the Libertarian view is one of small government with minimum interference and promotes freedom and individual liberty to pursue goals and dreams. A Libertarian administration would never suppress your freedom of Religion. But it is still merely a political philosophy and not based upon the Bible and the apostolic teachings of Jesus and His Apostles. As Christians we understand that we are not independent, but interdependent and subject first to the will of God -and that is what real "good" is -"seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness."

Having said this, I must add, that the Bible says that there are none righteous of their own making. And also, that there are none good of their own making. All are corrupt, filled with selfishness and the pride of life. This is why God not only redeemed us from our sins, -removing them from us as far as East is from the West, but also credited every saint with the righteousness of Christ. It is for this reason alone that we can stake any claim to being "good" and "righteousness."

But there is a worldly, cultural "goodness" and "righteousness" where people believe that they are virtuous and morally superior because of certain beliefs they hold. Even though since history began virtue has been attributed to those who performed selfless and kind deeds, not to merely expressed beliefs. If you watch carefully it’s easy to see how often virtue signaling consists of saying you hate things. However, this is often a camouflage used especially by the political Left. The emphasis on hate distracts from the fact that you are really saying how good you are. If you were frank and said: "I, on the other hand, truly care about the environment" it would be plain that you are also implying that many do not. Or, "I’m for socialism because I truly care about the poor" -again you would be introducing the thought that Capitalists do not care about the poor. Why? Well, it’s because "they are not morally superior" as you are. Expressed plainly your vanity and self-aggrandizement would be obvious, as it is with Whole Foods.

There is a blindness in this as well, because it is a historical fact that Capitalism has done more to bring people out of poverty than any other system of government, -America proves this. But the Left cries "greed!" The truth is, there has never been a system of government not based on a form of greed because government consists of people, and people are by nature greedy. The definition of greed is "a selfish desire for something, especially wealth and food." Those promoting Socialism are themselves greedily seeking the wealth of those who have. What government, what business, or what family, has never put their best interests first in pursuing wealth, food and safety?

Socialism and Communism has a selfish desire to take the wealth others have labored to acquire, and distribute it as they so desire. It is presented as a transfer of wealth to the poor, but the reality of history proves that it is a transfer of power from the people to the elite leaders and eventually a dictator. In his presidential campaign, Socialist Hugo Chavez convinced the citizens of Venezuela that every person has a "right" to healthcare, to employment, to food and financial stability, and that he would seize the money from the rich to provide it. Chavez used virtue signaling to paint himself as a moral hero who would champion the poor who were "so oppressed by the rich." He painted the wealthy as selfish, heartless and uncaring. Once in power Chavez did seize the wealth, but he transferred the wealth to himself and the ruling class not the people. As a result there has been mass starvation, electricity blackouts, empty food markets, social unrest, and mass exit. The current Venezuelan President has resorted to using the military to block humanitarian aid the U.S. has airlifted in. As former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher once observed, "The problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money." Of course, once "everything" is a "right" then nothing is actually a right. A Socialist or Communist leader has a "right" to take from the wealthy, but the common person has no "right" to take from him, -the lowly citizen has no power and must wait for the crumbs that fall from his master’s table.

We live in a climate where virtue signaling seems necessary. For example, how often have you heard someone prefacing what they are about to say by first stating "I’m not a racist?" Not being a racist is virtuous, but why do so many feel the need to continually express it? It’s obviously because Left-leaning friends will label you a racist if you are against illegal immigration, against affirmative action, or support building the wall on our southern border, etc. If you believe that the Covington Catholic boys were not taunting Native American Nathan Phillips at the Right to Life March you are in danger of being considered a racist. Or if you initially questioned the fishy story that actor Jussie Smollett gave to the police-saying that he was attacked by two racist Trump supporters in Chicago at 2am, then again you may be targeted as being a racist -"You don’t believe Jussie because he is a gay black man!"

All the facts are not in at this writing, but what has been reported it that the two men were Smollett’s friends. Two Nigerian blacks who were paid $4000 by Smollett to perpetrate a hoax that a hate crime had been committed. Smollett had also committed mail fraud by sending himself a racist, homophobic letter threatening his life. All because he wanted to start a race war against President Donald J. Trump. As the YouTube sensation Brandon Tatum said, "The truth is, racism in America is on life support, and we’re trying to pull the plug. If racism was so extant no one would need to make up fake accounts." Since the inauguration there has been numerous accusations of racially fueled incidents which have proven to be false, and virtue signaling was used in each case.

The interesting thing about Donald Trump is that he has been on TV for more that 30 years and no one ever accused him of being racist. He was welcomed on Oprah, Donahue, Tonight Show, Letterman, etc. He was well respected in the black community and revered by black actors and black musicians. He was presented the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Rainbow Coalition for his work in the black community. Jesse Jackson heaped praise upon Trump for years but now calls him a global danger. He was friends with many Democratic Politicians in the past as well -NY Senator Chuck Schumer was one. It was not until he ran for President that he was accused of being a white nationalist supremacist who hated people of color. And if you support Trump’s policies as half of the country does, you will be on the receiving end of endless virtue signaling from the Left. If you wear a MAGA hat it’s not because you love America, but are a racist homophobe. This is all fueled by politics on the Left.

Because I am a Christian and a member of the Kingdom of Heaven, I do not get overly involved with trying to make this country what it can never be. But I do vote Pro Life, pro-first and second Amendment conservative for obvious reasons as I await the establishment of God’s Kingdom.

Christians are very often painted as being virtue signaling hypocrites who pretend to be holier than thou. But for us who contend earnestly for the apostolic faith virtue signaling is easily recognized as prideful and boastful, sins which the Bible condemns. I should admit that in today’s Cultural Christianity boasting and pride is commonplace because this is a part of the culture we live in.

Seems as though everyone sees themselves as being morally superior as demonstrated by Lady Gaga’s comments towards VP Pence as quoted in the lead article of this newsletter. Once a person or group comes to believe that they are morally superior there is no longer any room for honest debate, because, "You only hold your position because you are a ‘racist’, a ‘homophobe’, a ‘Islamophobe’, a‘misogynist’, or are heartless’" towards the poor and disenfranchised. This means you are too morally bankrupt to have a moral opinion. This is why so many Conservative speakers have been denied access to speak at some of our Universities. Because they do not hold the same moral views and have the same moral answers to America’s problems they are labeled as "haters" who are evil.

To make the claim that you are a Christian was once considered virtue signaling because devoted Christians were thought of as being trustworthy, kind, loving and charitable. But now Christians have become increasingly thought of as being intolerant, judgmental and hateful. So, some today proudly proclaim that they are not Christian in order to send a virtue signal that they are not "intolerant", "judgmental" and "hateful" as Christians are. To be a Pastor was once an office and position that was highly respected in our culture, but due to the rise of so many scandals they are considered more like a used car salesman who cannot be trusted.

There are always going to be those who hate Christianity. And there are always going to be those who hate Conservatives. But we must not allow that to cause us to retreat into obscurity.

Facing all this virtue signaling can be exhausting, especially since we are tempted to give a preface before we can say most anything. I suggest that we quit giving a preface as if we must first state that we are not guilty of something before what we say is valid. When we begin by saying "I’m not a racist -I hate racism". . .it puts us in a defensive posture, and worse, it implies that racism is factually extant in our society.






Points of Truth Ministries