A Terrible Truth













Q and A

Exposing Lies


A Terrible Truth

By Larry R. Lasiter

© 2014

Today the world is filled with war, terrorism, and threats of more. It has been the constant condition for almost 6000 years of recorded history. Yet nations long for peace. Leaders negotiate for it. Armies fight for it and millions pray for it. Most of the world professes a desire for it-yet it is as elusive today as it has been since the beginning. Yet there are still those who pursue it, believing the myth that peace is possible in a fallen world.

There has been about 20,000 wars in the past 6000 years. Only 268 years in that span where there was no war. Some say that this was not a time of real peace but only a series of interludes in preparation for war. Nations have always been at war, preparing for war, or recovering from war. The estimates for those killed in war are as high as a billion. 65 Million were killed in WWI, billed as the "War to end all wars." 84 million died in WWII. The Taiping Rebellion in China claimed 100 million. The Mongols killed 70 million and 25 million died at the hands of the Ming Dynasty.

What exactly does world peace mean? It must mean, no wars or conflicts, and no fighting. It must mean that everyone has learned to love and accept one another in complete tolerance of where they may differ. But the truth is, man has a fallen nature and is living in a fallen world which is presently ruled by a fallen angel to whom Scripture refers to as the "god of this world," "Prince of Darkness," "Father of lies," "Enemy of God," and "Destroyer." He is the god of war now working in this world and in the sons of disobedience.

According to the Bible the first war occurred in Heaven before man was created. Lucifer and one third of the angels rebelled against their Creator and there was war in Heaven. Therefore, according to Scripture, war is not merely a human condition but is a natural result of a fallen nature-whether man or angel. Whenever the created rebels against the Creator there is conflict which naturally leads to war. There can be no peace where there is rebellion against God. A man who is not at peace with His Creator cannot be at peace with himself or others. As long as personal conflicts between people exist world peace is impossible because wars and conflicts between tribes, groups and nations are built from the ground up. Nations cannot get along anymore than individuals can.

The Roman Philosopher Cicero once stated, "The name of peace is sweet, and the thing itself is beneficial, but there is a great difference between peace and servitude. Peace is freedom in tranquillity, servitude is the worst of all evils, to be resisted not only by war but even by death." Ironically, he is saying that war and even death is necessary to achieve a tranquil peace-but of course if you are at war you are no longer at peace. In a fallen world filled by fallen men, there will always be those who will have a desire to conquer and bring others into submissive servitude.

Advocates for world peace always say, "We should all be more tolerant and understanding of one another." Perhaps they have a point, but it doesn’t happen, and considering the human condition it cannot happen. Sadly, in the real world evil and corruption exists. There has always been, and there will always be, dictators who will gain power and use it to wage war. When this happens peaceful nations must go to war to defend themselves. If 195 of the 196 countries in the world want peace it’s still impossible because of the one who wants to go to war.

Now let’s get personal. Cries for "world peace" always carries the suggestion that it is others who need to get on your page. These people need to see first if they can find peace in themselves when they are stuck in a traffic jam and already running late. If people cannot consistently find peace in themselves they shouldn’t expect to see it on a global scale. The present nature of man is to look out for and to protect his own personal needs. Most people will live their lives without any real self-examination, and will die before ever learning to deal with disappointment, resentment, envy, selfishness and fear.

Every human being who "wouldn’t hurt a fly" can still be resentful, selfish and destructive. Because you "wouldn’t hurt a fly" doesn’t mean the world would have peace if everyone was like you. Until we are truly devoid of any form of ill will we are not beyond violence. Peace must be more than an absence of violence. It must also be an absence of ill will. Every action carried out begins in the heart of man. "Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of mankind was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of their hearts was only evil continually." Genesis 6:5

Therefore, the heart of man must be spiritually converted for personal or world peace to be possible. Since the Bible says that most people are hostile toward God and will never accept salvation in Christ peace between the nations will not happen until Christ return to reign. But the good news is that in Christ we can have inner peace even in the midst of tribulation.


Points of Truth Ministries