Q and A

Exposing Lies


 QUESTION: "The Bible says we are saved by grace through faith. Why do you teach we must keep the Ten Commandments?"

You are referring to Ephesians 2:8-10, and you are correct in saying that the Bible teaches that we are saved by God’s grace as we put our faith in the sacrifice He provided in Jesus. But if you read this passage closely you will see that God saved us for "good works" which He "prepared beforehand" in order that we may "walk in them." Works do not have the power to "save" us but we cannot be saved without first turning from bad "works" to "good works." Only when we repent is salvation possible. This Scripture reveals that these "good works" that God saved us to "walk in" were "prepared beforehand." Surely this is God’s standard for living. God not only wrote this standard on tablets of stone but on the hearts of yielded people. (2 Cor. 3/Jer.31:33)

     On His last evening with His disciples Jesus emphasized keeping the Commandments, notice- "If you love Me, you will keep My Commandments," John 14:15, and -"He who has My Commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me," John 14:21, and again-"If you keep My Commandments you will abide in My love." John 15:10 The Apostle Paul wrote - "What matters is keeping the Commandments of God." 1 Cor. 7:19 The Apostle John wrote,- "For this is the love of God, that we keep His Commandments." 1 John 5:3 Here is the Bible definition of what sin is, - "Sin is the transgression of the Law." 1 John 3:4 Certainly, God saves no one to continue in sin.

       No amount of Commandment keeping can save you from your sins. The Commandments show us what sin is and where we have fallen short of God’s standard. Only the blood of a sinless sacrifice can pay our penalty and that has been provided in Christ Jesus. Yet Jesus still requires His followers to keep the Commandments. Jesus said that all the Commandments are summed up in two great Commandments - Love God will all your heart, and love your fellow man as yourself. By keeping the Commandments we practice the true love of God and learn to put away our selfishness. We learn to put the interests of God and our neighbor above our own. Notice this Scripture from the last Chapter of God’s Word,- "Blessed are those who keep His Commandments that they may have the right to the tree of life and may enter in through the gates of the (holy) city." Rev. 22:14 KJV








Points of Truth Ministries