Q and A

Exposing Lies

Printable Bible Lesson Outlines

Lesson 5

Contending for the Faith

 Does it really matter to God how we worship Him? Will He accept our worship as long as He sees that we are sincere? Did the original, Apostolic faith have a clear standard by which the converted were to live by? Does God expect us to carefully search for the truth of His will regarding how we worship Him? Did the early Church remain true to the will of God? Did Jesus warn of false prophets coming with signs and wonders to deceive His followers? Were there problems with false teachers in the early Church? Were false teachers easily recognizable? Was it really Satan, the Devil who sent these men into the Churches of God? Was their main objective to take brethren away from the truth and true worship? What are some of the identifying traits of the original faith? What are some of the identifying traits of false Christianity? Bible Translation: NASV


  Apostasy: The defection from the tenets of the true faith. RSV, -“the Rebellion”, a rebellion against the truth. To exchange the truth for a lie and fall away from the teachings of the true faith.

Apostate: A person who was once enlightened to Christ and the true faith but has turned away from practicing the tenets of the faith. It is appointed for a person to die once and then face the judgment of God; a person who has become apostate is doubly dead. He is waiting to die the natural death and at judgment will face the second death in the Lake of Fire. One who has lost his salvation. One who is lost forever and whom God will not grant repentance to. One who does not love the truth and one whom God has given the spirit of delusion causing him to actually believe the lie that he is still in God’s grace. An apostate person cannot know that he is apostate but he has gone past the point of return. One who has been rejected by God because they continued to practice sin.

Truth: The fundamental meaning of reality, as opposed to mere appearance or false pretense. In the Book of John, the truth stands for the absolute Divine reality as distinguished from all existence that is false or merely seeming. Truth can be described as God’s will. Jesus is the embodiment of truth, He declared, -“I am the Truth.”The Bible is the truth. The Word of God, whether written or prophetically spoken is truth. The holy spirit is the spirit of truth.

 Worship: To bow before or yield to, expressing the act and attitude appropriate to behaving toward a sovereign Deity. Worship means “worth-ship”, meaning worthy to submit to. To praise, extol and obey. To faithfully follow the tenets of the truth faith.

 The Faith: The original teachings of Jesus and His Apostles and the practice of the tenets of true religion. This includes trusting in the redemptive work of the cross for one’s salvation. Faith is the assent of the mind to the truth of God’s revealed will. It means putting ones trust in the Person of Christ and His teachings. James wrote, -“Faith without works is dead.” The works he was referring to is the following of the teachings of the true faith.


1. Does God require His worshipers to worship Him in truth? John 4:20-24 / John 4:1-10 / Matthew 22:16 / John 1:17 / John 5:33 / John 8:44 / John 8:31-32 / John 16:13 / John 17:17 / Romans 1:18-32 / Romans 2:8 / Galatians 3:1 (KJV) / 1 Corinthians 13:6 / 2 Corinthians 6:1-8 / 2 Corinthians 13:8 / Ephesians 6:13-14 / 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 / 1 Timothy 2:3-4 / 1 Timothy 3:15 / 1 John 2:3-4 / 2 John vs 4 / James 1:18


❖ Jesus said that the Father must be worshiped in __________ and __________


❖ Jesus said that the Father was seeking . . .? __________


❖ Who did Jesus tell this to? __________


❖ What city were they in when this happened? __________


❖ Did the inhabitants of that city know who they worshiped? __________


❖ Did they believe that they were worshiping the God of Israel? __________


❖ Jesus taught the _______ of _______ in truth


❖ ________ and __________ were realized through Jesus Christ


❖ Who bore witness and testified of the truth? __________


❖ There is no truth in the __________


❖ Jesus said that if you know the truth it will make you __________


❖ Can a person really be set free without the truth of God? __________


❖ But to know the truth He said one must ____________ in the __________


❖ The holy spirit is called the _________ of __________


❖ Jesus said that Christians are __________ in truth and that God’s ________ is truth



❖ According to Romans, the wrath of God is revealed against who? _____________________


❖ The ungodly exchanged truth for a __________


❖ Because of this God gave them over to what? __________


❖ According to Romans 2, is the truth something that must be obeyed? __________


❖ ________does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth.


❖ According to 2 Corinthians, Christ’s ministry must come in the________ of __________


❖ Who said, -“For we can do nothing against the truth, but only for the truth”? __________


❖ Paul said to take up the full armor of God and _________your __________ with truth


❖ What does God send upon those who will not receive a love of the truth? ________________


❖ What will ultimately happen to those who do not receive a love of the truth? __________


❖ “They did not receive a love of the truth so as to be___________.”


❖ Is it necessary to receive the truth and love the truth to be saved? __________


❖ God desires all men to be saved and come to the___________of the __________


❖ What must be the Pillar and Support of the truth? __________


❖ The truth is not in one who does not keep God’s _________________


❖ John was very glad to find some ___________in __________


❖ God brought us forth by the Word of truth to be a kind of _______ ________of His creatures



Commentary: The Church is the “pillar” and “support” of the truth, therefore Christians must know and defend the truth. The Church has an adversary in which there is no truth and who is committed to the destruction of the truth. God can only be worshiped in spirit and in truth and He is seeking those who will receive and practice the truth. It is necessary to receive and love the truth to be saved. It is clear by the abundance of Scripture that the original faith taught and lived by, is a clearly defined standard which they called “the truth”. Christians are sanctified (set apart) by this truth and this truth is the Way of the original, Apostolic faith. Jesus Himself, is the Truth.


2. Is it necessary for Christians to fight to restore and preserve the Original Apostolic Faith? Jude vs 1-4 / Galatians 2:4 / 2 Peter 2:1-3 / Matthew 7:15-23 / Matthew 24:3-5, 24 / Acts 20:28-30 / Romans 16:17-18 / 2 Corinthians 11:3-4, 13-15 / 3 John /


❖ Jude, the brother of Jesus, wanted to write the Church about our common __________


❖ Jude felt it was necessary to write and urge the Church to contend for original __________


❖ Certain men had crept in who were turning God’s __________into_____________



Quick Definition: “licentiousness” meaning “license to commit sin”


❖ These false teachers were marked out for _______________


❖ According to Galatians false brethren desire to bring Christians into __________


❖ False teachers were prophesied to arise and bring destructive___________into the Church


❖ Peter prophesied that __________would follow them


❖ Because of them the __________of____________would be maligned (evil spoken of)


❖ Jesus warned that false prophets, though ravenous wolves, would come in _________clothing


❖ Did Jesus say that they would even perform miracles in His Name? __________


❖ At judgment, Jesus will say to them “Depart from Me, you who practice __________.”


❖ Will some false prophets be advocates of lawlessness- Grace without works? __________


❖ Jesus prophesied that many would come in His Name but would __________many


❖ Jesus warned that false prophets would show _______and__________to__________many


❖ Paul urged the Romans to _______ away________ those who teach contrary to the original faith


❖ Did Paul warn that some would teach a another Jesus and a different Gospel? __________


❖ False Apostles disguise themselves as servants of ________________


❖ Do we learn by John’s third letter that he was not received by some of the Church? __________


❖ Who was the false teacher who had gained power over this Church area? __________


❖ Was he putting all of those who received John’s teaching out of the Church? __________



Commentary: John was the last living Apostle and wrote this letter in his old age. By this time some of the Church had been deceived by false doctrines and had left the true faith. Even before this time, Paul was having similar trouble and wrote Timothy -“You are aware of the fact that all who are in Asia turned away from me.”As we witness in the Church at Galatia, Judaizing Christians had infiltrated the Church teaching that the Gentile converts must receive circumcision and be directed to keep the whole Law of Moses. (613 Laws of the Book of the Law / Sinai Covenant) We see in Paul’s letter to the Churches in Colossae that a new brand of Christianity arose called Gnosticism. It was a mixture of Greek Philosophy and Christianity with an emphasis on severe treatment of one’s own body and a hatred for flesh itself. Then there were those who were teaching a message of Christ and Grace alone without works. These were turning the grace of God into a license to commit sin, notice, -“And why not say (as we are slanderously reported and as some claim that we say), “Let us do evil that good may come.” Their condemnation is just.” (Romans 3:8)


3. Does God change? Malachi 3:6 / Numbers 23:19 / James 1:17 / Hebrews 13:8


Do Christians worship the same God as the Israelites did? Acts 24:14 / Acts 3:13



4. Does it matter to God how we worship Him as long as we are sincere? Deuteronomy 4:2 / Deuteronomy 12:28-32

❖ God warned natural Israel to not ________nor __________from the Word which He commands


❖ God said not to learn how the __________worshiped their gods


❖ God said not to worship Him as the pagans worshiped their __________


❖ Did God warn Israel to be careful how they worshiped Him?__________



5. Lessons from the Golden Calf incident. Exodus Chapter 32


❖ When Aaron, Israel’s High Priest made the Golden Calf, what did he call it? ______________



❖ Did Aaron make a god of Egypt or an image to honor the God of Israel? __________


❖ Did God accept this worship? __________


❖ Aaron declared, “Tomorrow shall be a feast to the __________”


❖ Did the children of Israel give of their personal items of gold to make this image? __________


❖ God told Moses to go down from the Mountain because the people had __________themselves


❖ Because they had not walked carefully before the Lord, He wanted to __________them


❖ How many Israelites were slain that day because of this sin?__________


❖ God said, “Whoever has sinned against Me, I will blot him out of ______ ________”



6. Lessons from David trying to transport the Ark on a New Cart:1 Chronicles Chapter 13 /

1 Chronicles Chapter 15 / 1 Samuel 6:1-8


❖ God had commanded that the Ark of His Presence was to carried only by His __________


❖ David had attempted to transport the Ark of the Covenant on a __________


❖ What pagan people captured the Ark? __________


❖ How did they return the Ark to Israel? __________


❖ Did King David attempt to carry God’s presence as the Philistines did? __________


❖ Even though David was known as a man after God’s heart, did God accept this? __________


❖ Whom did God strike down as they carried the Ark on the new cart? __________


❖ Though David was singing and dancing before the Lord, did it stop God’s anger? __________



Commentary: The King of Israel was commanded to carry the first five Books of the Bible with him at all times and to read from it every day. The instructions of how God wanted His Presence to be carried was in the pocket of David’s robe but David had failed to carefully inquire of it first. Notice that God was aware of David’s plans yet He did not warn this prophet or send a prophet to him. God clearly expected David to follow His Word and was angry when he failed to do so. Let us remember that this is the same God which we worship today, so shouldn’t we be equally careful in worshiping God according to His will? We must learn what David learned that day; that God must be worshiped in spirit and truth and according to His Divine will.


6. Were the Old Testament examples recorded for us so that we do not make the same mistakes? Book of Jude / 2 Peter Chapter 2



 The Bible clearly reveals that the early Church was under attack by false teachers who were bringing in apostate teachings. It is not the purpose of this study to give a detailed description of how the Church changed through the ages, but it most certainly did change. In Scripture, we need only to read the condition of the seven Churches of Revelation Chapters 2 and 3 to see that there were some very serious problems arising. Jesus found fault with five of them and commanded them to repent and return to the true faith.

      As we see in Acts 15 and Galatians 1 & 2, the early Church looked to Jerusalem and the original Apostles to guide them in the true doctrines and tenets of the faith. Even the Apostle Paul went up to Jerusalem to present to Peter and James what he had been preaching to the Gentiles in order to make sure it was in line with the original faith. This all changed when Jerusalem was sieged and destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D., which was right after Paul’s execution and more than 20 years before John wrote Revelation.

   In time, the Churches began to look to the Church at Rome as its guide. But dramatic changes were also taking place in this Church. The Apostle Paul had warned the Christians there to, -“Keep your eye on those who cause dissensions and hindrances contrary to the teaching which you learned, and turn away from them.” (Romans 16:17) Since the Roman Empire ruled the known world at the time, the Roman Church possessed and exercised a degree of power and influence. By the second Century A.D. the Church had forsaken observing the Passover and instituted a Sunday Eucharist in its place. Most of the Churches followed their lead, with the exception of the Churches in Asia Minor.

By the early fourth Century, the Roman Church actually began to receive power from the Empire itself. Soon, this Church claimed dominion over all the Christian Churches and demanded that they yield to and accept its teachings and rulings. With the power of the Empire behind it the Church eventually used force, arresting, torturing and executing those who refused to yield to its dictates.

 Through time, this Church moved far from the original, Apostolic faith. The Bishop of the Roman Church was pronounced the “Vicar of Christ”, meaning that he ruled in place of Christ. Soon, the Pope was able to exercise absolute power even over Kings.

Some of the original doctrines that the Church abolished are, ❖ the removal of the Second Commandment  the replacement of the Sabbath with Sunday ❖ the replacement of Jesus as our Advocate before God, with His mother as our Advocate ❖ the replacement of praying to the Father in Jesus’ name, with praying to Mary, the mother of Jesus ❖ the replacement of the Passover with a Sunday Eucharist ❖ the replacement of God’s Holy Days with pagan Holidays. The Roman Church eventually made it illegal for the Bible to be printed in any language other than Latin.

 The Church eventually fostered the doctrine that Mary, the mother of Jesus was the Queen of Heaven, and like Jesus, was also immaculately conceived. They began to teach that Mary remained a virgin the rest of her life, though the Scriptures clearly say that Jesus had brothers and sisters. The Church became steeped in ceremony and tradition

When some daring men defied the Church and translated the Scriptures into common languages which they could readily read and comprehend, they were astonished to see that much of what they had been taught could not be found in Scripture. This began what is now called the “Protestant Reformation.” The Reformers were seeking to find the true original faith delivered by the Apostles. Some came farther out of the apostasy than others. The Lutherans renounced Papal authority and the worship of Mary. Later some came to the truth that baptism must be by immersion and not by merely sprinkling, these were called “Baptists.” Later some came to believe in the spiritual gifts spoken of in 1 Corinthians and were called “Pentecostals” because the holy spirit was originally poured out on the Day of Pentecost in 31 A.D. Some restored the Fourth Commandment and were called “Seventh Day Adventists.” Each movement found its comfort zone and settled there.

Certainly, much progress has been made, but there are some identifying traits of the early Church which none of the above mentioned Churches exhibit in there entirety. The early Church kept the Passover and the Biblical Holy Day Festivals but with Christian meanings. The Scriptures show that Jesus and His Apostles kept the Sabbath Day. They observed the Biblical food laws of Leviticus 11. Though they knew that they were saved by grace through faith, they kept the Ten Commandments. The early Christians sought after and operated in the spiritual gifts of the holy spirit. The early Church experienced visions, miracles, healings and power over the forces of darkness. The early Christians had a deep and outgoing love for one another.



The purpose of this Bible Lesson is to show that Christians have an obligation to contend earnestly for the original Apostolic faith. It is designed to show by Scripture that false teachings had been spreading through the Church almost from its conception. You, the Christian are shouldered with the responsibility of seeking for the truth. “God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” (John 4:24)

Points of Truth Ministries